Purple Sky Counseling

Toxic Masculinity: An Overview of What it is and How it Affects Society

Toxic masculinity is a term that has been used to describe certain behaviors and attitudes typically associated with men and boys. It is a form of hyper-masculinity that includes aggressive behavior, a lack of emotion, and an overall disregard for the well-being of others. This type of behavior is often seen in sports, in the workplace, and in the media and can have a negative impact on men, women, and the society as a whole. In this blog post, we will discuss what toxic masculinity is, how it affects society, and how to combat it.

What is Toxic Masculinity?

Toxic masculinity, also known as hegemonic masculinity or hyper-masculinity, is a set of behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs associated with men and boys that emphasize strength, power, and domination over others. This type of masculinity is often seen in sports, in the workplace, and in the media, and is characterized by aggression, competitiveness, macho behavior, and an overall lack of emotion. Examples of toxic masculinity include bullying, violence, sexual harassment, and objectifying women. These behaviors can have a negative impact on individuals, as well as society at large.

How Does Toxic Masculinity Affect Society?

Toxic masculinity can have a negative impact on both men and women. Men who adhere to these rigid gender norms may experience a lack of emotional support, an inability to express their feelings, and a heightened sense of anxiety. This can lead to physical and mental health problems, such as depression and difficulty forming relationships. Women who are exposed to toxic masculinity may experience emotional and physical violence, objectification, and a lack of respect. In addition, this type of masculinity can lead to gender inequality in the workplace and in society as a whole.

Combatting Toxic Masculinity

The first step in combatting toxic masculinity is to recognize it and to understand its impact on individuals and society. It is important to create an open dialogue about the issue and to encourage individuals to challenge any notions of gender inequality. Additionally, it is important to promote positive role models and to create spaces where men and boys feel safe to express their feelings and emotions. Organizations such as Purple Sky Counseling in Salt Lake City, UT are dedicated to helping individuals understand and overcome toxic masculinity and to create a more equitable society.


Toxic masculinity is a form of hyper-masculinity that is characterized by aggressive behavior, a lack of emotion, and an overall disregard for the well-being of others. It can have a negative impact on both men and women, as well as society as a whole. In order to combat toxic masculinity, it is important to recognize it, to create an open dialogue about it, and to promote positive role models. Organizations such as Purple Sky Counseling in Salt Lake City, UT are dedicated to helping individuals understand and overcome toxic masculinity and to create a more equitable society.