Perfectionism: A Psychological Struggle for Many

Purple Sky Counseling in Murray, UT understands that perfectionism can be a difficult psychological struggle for many people. Perfectionism is a complex topic with many facets, and it's important to understand the different types of perfectionism, the signs to watch out for, and what kind of help is available. This blog post strives to provide a comprehensive and in-depth look into perfectionism so that individuals can better understand themselves and their loved ones.

What is Perfectionism?

At its core, perfectionism is a psychological condition characterized by a person's inability to accept anything less than perfect. Perfectionism is a striving for excellence, but it goes beyond that to the point of being unable to accept imperfections. Perfectionists will often set unattainable standards for themselves, and they are often overly critical of their own work. Perfectionism can have both positive and negative effects on a person's life; while it can lead to great success, it can also lead to a great deal of stress and anxiety.

Types of Perfectionism

Perfectionism comes in many different forms, and it can be helpful to understand the various types so that you can better identify which type is most relevant to you or your loved ones.

Self-Oriented Perfectionism

Self-oriented perfectionism refers to the kind of perfectionism that is focused on one's own performance. People who suffer from this type of perfectionism are often very hard on themselves and expect a great deal from themselves. They are often very critical of their own work and strive for perfection in every aspect of their lives.

Other-Oriented Perfectionism

Other-oriented perfectionism refers to perfectionism that is focused on the performance of others. People who suffer from this type of perfectionism often have high standards for those around them, and they can be very critical of the work of others. They often expect a great deal from those around them and are often disappointed when those expectations are not met.

Socially Prescribed Perfectionism

Socially prescribed perfectionism refers to perfectionism that is motivated by the expectations of others. People who suffer from this type of perfectionism often feel that they must live up to the expectations of those around them, and they can be highly critical of their own work in order to do so.

Signs of Perfectionism

Perfectionism can be difficult to spot because it often manifests in different ways. It is important to be aware of the signs of perfectionism so that you can better identify it and seek help if necessary.

• Unusually high standards: Perfectionists often have unreasonably high standards for themselves and others.

• Unwillingness to delegate: Perfectionists often struggle to delegate tasks to others because they feel that they must do everything themselves in order to achieve perfection.

• Excessive worrying: Perfectionists often worry excessively about their work and the work of others.

• Difficulty focusing: Perfectionists often struggle to focus on a task because they are too focused on achieving perfection.

• Difficulty making decisions: Perfectionists often struggle to make decisions because they are afraid of making the wrong one.

Help for Perfectionism

If you or someone you know is struggling with perfectionism, it is important to seek help. Perfectionism can be a difficult psychological struggle, and it can lead to a great deal of stress and anxiety if left untreated. Purple Sky Counseling in Murray, UT offers a wide range of services to help individuals struggling with perfectionism. Whether you need individual counseling, group counseling, or online counseling, our experienced therapists can provide the help and support you need.


Perfectionism is a complex psychological condition that can be difficult to understand. It is important to be aware of the different types of perfectionism, the signs to watch out for, and the help that is available. If you or someone you know is struggling with perfectionism, it is important to seek help. Purple Sky Counseling in Murray, UT provides a wide range of counseling services to help individuals struggling with perfectionism.


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