Purple Sky Counseling

Supporting Someone who is Suicidal

Suicide is a serious problem that affects millions of people around the world every year. It is a tragedy that no one should have to experience, yet so many are impacted by it. If you know someone who is struggling with suicidal thoughts or behaviors, it is important to take action to help them. Here are some tips on how to support someone who is suicidal.

1. Talk to Them Openly and Honestly

The first step to supporting someone who is suicidal is to talk to them openly and honestly. It can be difficult to broach the subject of suicide, but it’s important to be direct and honest with them. Let them know that you are there to listen and care for them. Ask them if they want to talk about what’s going on and encourage them to open up about their thoughts and feelings.

2. Let Them Know You Care

It’s important to let someone know that you care about them and are there to support them. Show them that you are available to listen and that you are willing to help them in any way you can. Let them know that you understand how difficult it can be to cope with suicidal thoughts and that you are there for them.

3. Encourage Professional Help

Encourage the person to seek professional help. Suggest that they speak to a mental health professional, such as a therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist. Let them know that it is okay to reach out for help and that there are people out there who can provide them the support they need.

4. Educate Yourself

It is important to educate yourself on suicide and become familiar with the warning signs. Knowing the risk factors and warning signs of suicide can help you recognize if someone is in danger and needs help. It is also important to understand the myths and misconceptions about suicide so that you can provide accurate information and support to someone who is struggling.

5. Create a Safety Plan

If someone is in immediate danger, create a safety plan with them. This is a plan to help them stay safe and prevent them from engaging in dangerous behaviors. The plan should include a list of coping strategies, a list of people they can call for help, and a list of places they can go for support.

6. Reach Out for Help

If you or someone else is in danger, reach out for help. Call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK. You can also contact your local mental health center or a suicide hotline. There are also many online resources available to help those in need.

Supporting someone who is suicidal can be a difficult and emotionally challenging experience. It is important to remember that you are not alone and that help is available. If you are in need of mental health support, reach out to Purple Sky Counseling in Murray, UT. Our experienced team of mental health professionals is here to provide you with the support and guidance you need to cope with suicidal thoughts and behaviors.