Purple Sky Counseling

Inner Critic

It is normal to have a self-critical voice inside your head. This voice can be a source of strength and motivation, but often it can be destructive and unhelpful. This inner critic can be difficult to manage, but it is possible to learn how to challenge and reduce its power.

What Is An Inner Critic?

An inner critic is the voice inside your head that tells you that you are not good enough, not smart enough, or not talented enough. It is the negative, judgmental, and often irrational thoughts that you have about yourself. It can be a source of self-doubt and can prevent you from reaching your full potential. It is important to recognize that this voice is not actually real, but rather it is a mental construct that has been created as a result of negative experiences and messages from your past.

How Can An Inner Critic Affect You?

Your inner critic can have a huge impact on your life. It can prevent you from taking risks and trying new things, or from speaking out or standing up for yourself. It can create low self-esteem, and can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, and even anger. It can stop you from making progress and achieving your goals, or from living your life to the fullest.

How To Overcome Your Inner Critic

If you are struggling with an inner critic, there are a few steps you can take to reduce its power and influence over your life.

Acknowledge Your Inner Critic

The first step is to acknowledge your inner critic. Recognize that it is a mental construct that has been created as a result of negative experiences and messages from your past. It is important to understand that this voice is not real and that it does not reflect your true worth.

Challenge Your Inner Critic

Once you have acknowledged the presence of your inner critic, you can begin to challenge it. Whenever it speaks up, ask yourself if what it is saying is true. Is it based on facts or on assumptions? Is it helpful or is it destructive?

Replace Negative Thoughts

When you catch yourself having negative thoughts, replace them with positive ones. Acknowledge your strengths and accomplishments, and focus on the things that make you unique.

Take Action

Finally, take action. Take small steps that move you towards your goals and that challenge the inner critic’s negative thoughts. Make a plan and take action every day to move closer to your goals.

Purple Sky Counseling in Salt Lake County

If you are struggling with an inner critic and need help overcoming it, Purple Sky Counseling in Salt Lake County can help. Our experienced counselors can help you to identify the negative messages that your inner critic is sending you and to challenge them. We can help you to develop new thinking patterns and to create positive self-talk. We can also help you to set realistic goals and to take action to achieve them.

Purple Sky Counseling in Salt Lake County can help you to manage your inner critic, reduce its power, and live the life you have always wanted. Call us today to learn more about our counseling services and to book an appointment.