Purple Sky Counseling

Mental Health and Men: The Need for Awareness and Support

Mental health is an essential component of overall wellbeing. Unfortunately, men are less likely to seek help for mental health issues than women, with some estimates suggesting that up to 75% of people accessing mental health services are female.

Men often face a variety of pressures that can contribute to the development of mental health issues, such as the need to maintain a strong masculine public image, the cultural expectation to be self-reliant and the stigma surrounding mental health. These factors can make it difficult for men to recognize and accept that they need help.

Purple Sky Counseling in Salt Lake City, UT, is committed to addressing the need for greater awareness and support around men’s mental health. Our team of experts are here to provide men with the resources they need to better understand and manage their mental health.

The Need to Break Down the Stigma Surrounding Men’s Mental Health

Stigma can be a major barrier to men seeking help for mental health issues. Men are often expected to be strong, self-reliant, and emotionally independent. This can lead to feelings of shame and guilt if they don’t feel like they can handle life’s challenges alone.

The stigma surrounding mental health can also lead to men not seeking help for fear of being judged or stigmatized by others. This can lead to mental health issues being overlooked and not addressed, which can lead to further complications.

At Purple Sky Counseling, we understand the need to break down the stigma surrounding men’s mental health. Our team of experts are committed to helping men to better understand their mental health and to providing them with the support they need to manage it.

The Pressures Facing Men

Men often face a variety of pressures that can affect their mental health. These pressures can come from a variety of sources, such as family, friends, work, and society.

Pressures from family can include an expectation to be successful or to live up to certain standards. Pressure from friends can include the need to fit in or to be part of a certain group. Pressure from work can include the need to be successful or to maintain a certain job title.

Societal pressures can include the need to maintain a strong masculine public image and the expectation to be self-reliant. These pressures can lead to feelings of inadequacy and cause men to feel like they are not meeting expectations.

At Purple Sky Counseling, we understand the pressures that men can face. Our team of experts are here to provide men with the resources they need to better manage these pressures and to create a healthier relationship with themselves.

The Signs and Symptoms of Mental Health Issues in Men

Mental health issues can manifest in a variety of ways, and it is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of mental health issues in men.

Common signs and symptoms of mental health issues in men include:

• Feeling overwhelmed or out of control

• Having difficulty sleeping

• Feeling isolated and disconnected from others

• Having difficulty concentrating or making decisions

• Feeling irritable or angry

• Having difficulty managing stress or anxiety

• Experiencing changes in appetite or weight

• Experiencing physical symptoms such as headaches or stomach aches

• Abusing drugs or alcohol

If you are experiencing any of these signs or symptoms, it is important to seek help.

At Purple Sky Counseling, we understand the signs and symptoms of mental health issues in men and are here to provide the help and support needed to manage them. Our team of experts can provide men with the resources they need to better understand and manage their mental health.


Mental health is an essential component of overall wellbeing, and men are just as likely to experience mental health issues as women. Unfortunately, men are less likely to seek help for mental health issues due to the stigma surrounding mental health and the pressures they face to maintain a strong masculine public image.

At Purple Sky Counseling in Salt Lake City, UT, we understand the need to break down the stigma surrounding men’s mental health and are committed to providing men with the resources they need to better understand and manage their mental health. Our team of experts are here to provide men with the support they need to create a healthier relationship with themselves.

If you or someone you know is experiencing any signs or symptoms of mental health issues, it is important to seek help. At Purple Sky Counseling, we are here to provide the help and support needed to manage mental health issues.